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Insurance Blog

Do I Need Vision Insurance In Addition To Health Insurance?

It is common knowledge that no one should live without health insurance, given the cost of healthcare today. But what about vision insurance? Good vision plays a vital role in a person’s quality of life. While some health plans provide vision coverage, others do not. Our experienced agent can help ensure that you have the vision insurance you need to protect and improve your sight....

Is My Business Big Enough For Cyber Liability Insurance?

If you have a small business, you may wonder if your operations are large enough to warrant purchasing cyber liability insurance. In fact, a large percentage of small businesses are victims of cyber attacks or data breaches every year. Cyber liability insurance is becoming increasingly essential protection in the world of business today. Why You Need Cyber Liability Insurance As stated in a Small Business...

Do I Need More Homeowners Coverage After Renovating?

Renovations can add substantial value to your home. Adding on a front porch, putting in a swimming pool, remodeling your kitchen, and other improvements can not only make your home more pleasant and comfortable to live in, but also increase its market value. After a remodeling project, it is vital to reevaluate your homeowners policy and ensure you have the right coverage at the best...

Do I Really Need A Flu Shot?

If you have ever had the flu, you know it is a very unpleasant experience. As though the fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, and runny nose were not enough, many people develop complications. Flu complications may include sinus or ear infections, pneumonia, or sepsis when infection of the respiratory tract triggers an extreme inflammatory response. Thankfully, flu vaccination can help you protect yourself...

What Kind of Insurance Do I Need If I Rent Out My Home?

If you own a home, you probably already have homeowners insurance to protect your investment from covered losses. However, a standard homeowners policy may not cover damages that occur when your house is being rented out, depending on the length of the rental term and the situation. Our experienced agent can advise you on what insurance you need if you plan to rent out your...